Friday 30 January 2009

Feeling hot hot hot - and I can prove it!

It's 5:30pm............

Yes, that's 31 INSIDE, and 40 outside - and the unit that's recording the outdoor temperature is by the house, under a solid verandah and behind 70% shade cloth.

I think they need a naked man to convey this kind of temperature!


Toria said...

Well, at least your thermometer is a cool looking one :-). Where did you get it from?

I've been trying to be philosophical about this heat, telling myself that I have to accept that summer is going to be hot, but it's getting harder. My husband thinks my suggestions of moving to Alaska are getting a little obsessive :-)

Margo said...

Toria - it's pretty hard to be philosophical at the best of times, let alone in this heat! THe thermometer came from the evil empire...aka Bunnings :)

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