Sunday 14 March 2010

Harvest time

Yesterday was busy with garden tidying, harvesting and a bit of preserving. As you can see we're having a huge year for eggplant! I used just over 1kg to make some char-grilled preserved eggplant which we will eat in a week or 2 (not pictured). I also bottled some tomatoes (loads more to do), and made some quick sweet cucumber pickles, again for eating in the next few weeks.

Just look at that grass! Incredible for so much lushness at the end of summer - that's what happens when you get over 200mm rain in 2.5 months.

A few people have asked about the scythe. Yes, it is VERY sharp, but you do have to sharpen it with a whetstone as you go along - maybe every 5-10 mins depending on the grass you are cutting. It is tricky getting your stance and the angle right on a hillside, but I think once we get the hang of it and get a rhythm then it will be easier. On the plus side you don't get vibrating hands of a face full of fumes as you do with the whipper snipper. Scything is much more meditative.......

Anyway I'm off to the markets today so best get ready...happy Sunday everyone


Deb said...

Yesterday was very productive for you and all your preserves look great

Aussiemade said...

Great produce, yes I am a wishfully thinking I wish you were next to My eggplant is flowering now? I know that the likelyhood of getting any eggplants is very slim. sigh My garden is full sun and this went in, early enough just seems to be everything that has grown is flowering late.
One good thing about gardening is you always have next

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