The main thing is that we're still getting rain - VERY exciting and we're 90mm up on last year's total with 3 months to go. Of course we'll still be about 300mm below our "normal" average, but every improvement on last year is a bonus! The other bonus is that summer time started on Sunday so it's going to be lighter later, so we can get more done outdoors during the week.
So in between the rain we've been working in the garden. On a trip to the tip on Saturday afternoon we discovered they were offering free mulch, so that made us change plans a bit and weed and strim the fenceline and pull up the carpet in the fruit cage and start replacing it with a thick layer of mulch. We're planning to line the whole fenceline with corrugated iron (from the tip of course!) to help with weed control.
Whist we're talking about the fruit cage, it's exciting to see flower buds forming on the brambleberries, raspberries and red and blackcurrants. Jerry also found time to line the brambleberry row with some spare pavers.
I also planted out the 2 new lemon trees so our new mini-citrus grove is complete. When they grow a bit they will provide a bit of a screen for the sheds. We also made a mini-shelter for the chook run to give them somewhere nice to sit. All out of materials recycled from the tip, of course!
I have no idea what's for dinner tonight, but here's a look at Saturday Night Pizza - ham, roasted red pepper, chilli bbq sauce, leek, mushroom and capricosa cheese.